Caring for our natural environment

Caring for our natural environment


In 2023, we launched a three-year programme of Fellowships focused on Caring for Our Natural Environment.

A Fellowship funds you to spend 4-8 weeks meeting and learning from leading innovators in your field around the world in order to share and implement that learning in the UK.

In this programme, we are seeking applications that aim to protect, restore and enhance our natural environment. More information is below. You can sign up for application alerts by email here.

Please share information about Fellowships by sharing and downloading this pdf.

Applications for 2024 open from 4 September to 12 November.

Joshua Powell sitting next to a lake
Joshua Powell (CF 2017) researched approaches for conserving islands Download 'Natural environment_Joshua Powell.jpg'

We are particularly interested in:

  • Practical solutions to address nature degradation, its causes and effects, and how our natural environment can be improved.
  • Applications that seek to increase understanding, appreciation and engagement by stakeholders and wider society, for example through education, communication, participation or policy initiatives.
  • Projects that address the impact of changes in how we use and value our natural environment.
  • Projects that seek fair and equitable access to nature’s benefits for all UK communities.

We recognise that our two environment-themed programmes – climate change and caring for our natural environment – are linked and as such we welcome applications which straddle these two themes.

Fellows in this programme form part of a dedicated community specialising in this area, with tailored opportunities for support and networking in this field.

This programme is guided by our Environment Working Group of Fellows and other experts in this field.

Fellows awarded in previous years have carried out projects in this area. See some examples of their impact stories here.

We recognise our responsibility to the environment through our Fellowship programme and our operations. Our progress on this is explained here.

Joshua Powell sitting next to a lake
Joshua Powell (CF 2017) researched approaches for conserving islands Download 'Natural environment_Joshua Powell.jpg'

We are particularly interested in:

  • Practical solutions to address nature degradation, its causes and effects, and how our natural environment can be improved.
  • Applications that seek to increase understanding, appreciation and engagement by stakeholders and wider society, for example through education, communication, participation or policy initiatives.
  • Projects that address the impact of changes in how we use and value our natural environment.
  • Projects that seek fair and equitable access to nature’s benefits for all UK communities.

We recognise that our two environment-themed programmes – climate change and caring for our natural environment – are linked and as such we welcome applications which straddle these two themes.

Fellows in this programme form part of a dedicated community specialising in this area, with tailored opportunities for support and networking in this field.

This programme is guided by our Environment Working Group of Fellows and other experts in this field.

Fellows awarded in previous years have carried out projects in this area. See some examples of their impact stories here.

We recognise our responsibility to the environment through our Fellowship programme and our operations. Our progress on this is explained here.

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