Brenda Black

Fellow’s Profile

Brenda Black

Fellow’s Profile

Brenda Black

Improving health outcomes for food-insecure young mothers and children




Improving health outcomes for food-insecure young mothers and children.


Fellowship year


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I am a dietitian and the CEO of Edinburgh Community Food and an advisory board trustee advocating the development of equitable and sustainable community food systems. My priorities are supporting nutritionally vulnerable groups in homelessness, food poverty and health inequity.

Poverty impacts nutritional health and the UK currently responds via foodbanks. However, this stopgap aid compromises dignity, choice, cultural and religious beliefs and a healthy diet. Young mums especially are poorly served in terms of their and their children's future health. Alternative approaches (in UN states such as Canada and Columbia) encourage hybrid nutrition and 'cash first' (CF) models, promoting choice, dignity and independence, while improving local economies and supply chains.

Scotland's cost-of-living crisis accelerated the CF approach: 'everyone needs sufficient access to food and essentials with dignity and choice'. The new human rights-based Good Food Nation Act should establish a food system prioritising health and wellbeing, environmental sustainability and social justice. I hope to build systems of support that give young mothers and their children a future of wellness, vitality and optimism.



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All Reports are copyright © the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted. The views and opinions expressed by any Fellow are those of the Fellow and not of the Churchill Fellowship or its partners, which have no responsibility or liability for any part of them.

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