Eleanor Hinchliffe

Fellow’s Profile

Eleanor Hinchliffe

Fellow’s Profile

Eleanor Hinchliffe

How to improve release from custody for children




Improving transition/release from secure youth accommodation/custody for children


Fellowship year


Supported by


North East


I am a social worker currently working in child and adolescent mental health services, with experience of working within the Children's Secure Estate in England. My Fellowship will focus on improving release and transitions from secure accommodation and custodial environments for children, in particular how the secure setting and the community services work to offer effective support through custody to post-release to hopefully reduce further criminalisation of children.

During my Fellowship I will visit the USA, Sweden, Portugal and Belgium. I will visit facilities and projects that look after children in the criminal justice system, including alternatives to custody. I will learn how the evidence base is put into practice and how barriers are overcome. I will also learn how these approaches may best be adapted to meet local needs in the UK.

Following the Fellowship, I will share my experience with children with experience of custody, researchers, policymakers, commissioners and establishments accommodating children in custody. By sharing my findings I hope to add to established pathways while also offering innovative international ideas to improve outcomes for children.


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All Reports are copyright © the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted. The views and opinions expressed by any Fellow are those of the Fellow and not of the Churchill Fellowship or its partners, which have no responsibility or liability for any part of them.

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