Julie McDonald

Fellow’s Profile

Julie McDonald

Fellow’s Profile

Julie McDonald

Citizenship and work/life balance in schools - the Danish Way




Improving the Citizenship provision for young people in Northern Ireland


Fellowship year



Northern Ireland


I am a history teacher and head of Key Stage 3 at a large voluntary grammar school in Northern Ireland. Currently I am on a career break, working as a librarian in a local public library. My Fellowship primarily focuses on the citizenship provision for young people in Northern Irish schools.

As an experienced teacher, I am aware that the current provision is inadequate and needs to be improved. My Fellowship is an opportunity to study the innovative citizenship programme followed in Danish schools and colleges. Overseas learning will enhance my knowledge and understanding of what makes a citizenship programme succeed.

I will share these insights with the Department of Education and Education Committee of Northern Ireland in order to lobby for meaningful change and engage with headteachers, teachers and trainee teachers' institutions to showcase the value of effective delivery of citizenship. Sharing the skills, strategies and resources I observe will contribute to a more robust and successful citizenship provision for young people. I believe the benefits for young people and the community will be considerable, increasing levels of both social responsibility and trust.


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All Reports are copyright © the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted. The views and opinions expressed by any Fellow are those of the Fellow and not of the Churchill Fellowship or its partners, which have no responsibility or liability for any part of them.

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