I am mum to three, nan to eight and kinship carer to two of my grandsons Ð what this means is that they live full time with me instead of with their parents. I am Co-founder of Families in Harmony CIC addressing the issue of racial equity in kinship care.
My Fellowship aims to close the gap in knowledge research to understand the engagement behaviours of Black kinship carers. I'll achieve this by amplifying the contextual link between the 'Barrel Children' Windrush migration phenomena and the current socio-economic and systemic racism issues impacting family separation in the UK Black kinship care community.
As Co-chair for the Kinship Care Alliance (KCA) Race Equality Subgroup, I hope my Fellowship findings will influence the 'Stable Homes, Built On Love' and kinship care strategy being developed by the DfE, and the professional practice of KCA member organisations.